
DR DAVIS Updated and Complete List of Publications in CV shown below ***cvtpd2025jpeg.jpg


Davis, T.P.  High performance liquid chromatography of biogenic amines in cattle:  Effect of heat, cold, and dehydration.  Ph.D. Thesis, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1978.

Davis, T.P.  Management of Biomedical Research Laboratories: A National Conference.  Proceedings, 244 pp. Thomas P. Davis, Editor. University of Arizona Press. 1999.

Davis, T. P., 2009, "Blood-brain barrier in health and disease", Kastin, A. and Pan, W. (eds), In: The Blood-Brain Barrier: Understanding the regulatory gatekeeper between brain and body. The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London (online at 2009.

Davis, T. P. November 14, 2011. Founders Day Awardee and Lecture. “ The Blood-Brain Barrier: Target or Obstacle for Drug Delivery to the Brain”. (online at‘-blood-brain-barrier-target-or-obstacle-drug-delivery-brain’-nov-16).

Davis, T. P.  Book.  Advances in Pharmacology. “Pharmacology of the Blood Brain Barrier: Targeting CNS Disorders ”. Thomas P. Davis, Editor.  Academic Press. Volume 71.  550 pages and 15 Chapters. Published : October 10, 2014.


Davis, T.P. and L.J. Kettel.  Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and medicine.  Arizona Medicine 39, 529.  1982.

Davis, T.P., Gehrke, C.W. Jr., Gerhardt, K.O., Williams, C.H. and Gehrke, C.W.  "Pre-column Derivatization, HPLC and Fluorescence Measurement of Biogenic Amines in Biological Materials."  In:  Clinical Analysis of Exogenous and Endogenous Constituents by Liquid Chromatography.  Edited by Pokar Kabra and Laurence Marton, CRC Press, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL. 1983, pp. 53-64.

Alberts, D.S., Y-M. Peng, S. Leigh, T.P. Davis and D.L. Woodward. Pharmacokinetics of bisantrene in cancer patients. In: Bisantrene (C. Coltman, Ed.) Verlag, H. Egerman, Vienna, Austria 1983.  pp. 1-5.

Alberts, D.S., Y-M Peng, S. Leigh, T.P. Davis and D.L. Woodward.  Pharmacokinetics of mitoxantrone in patients.  In:  Mitoxantrone (I. Smith, Ed.), Verlag H. Egerman, Vienna, Austria.  1983.  pp. 6-11.

Burks, T.F., T.P. Davis and J.N. McDougal.  Metabolism and thermopharmacology of opioid peptides in rat brain.  In:  Environmental Drugs and Thermoregulation.  Edited by P. Lomax, S. Schoenbaum and B. Cox.  Karger Pub., Basel, Swz. pp. 94-97.  1983.

Goodman, G.E., D.S. Alberts, Y-M Peng, J. Beaudry, S. Leigh, F.L. Meyskens, Jr. and T.P. Davis.  Pharmacokinetics and Phase I trial of retinol and 13-cis-retinoic acid.  In:  Modulation and Mediation of Cancer by Vitamins.  F.L. Meyskens and K. Prasad, editors.  S. Karger, Publishers, New York, NY. 1984.  pp. 311-316.

Alberts, D.S., C. Mackel, Y-M. Peng, and T.P. Davis. Phase I clinical investigation and preliminary pharmacokinetics of 9-10 anthracenedicarboxaldehyde bis (4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-2-yL) (hydrazone) dihydrochloride (bisantrene) with correlative in vitro human tumor clonogenic assay. In: New Anthracene Drugs (M. Rozencweig, Ed.) Raven Press, New York, pp. 149-173.  1983.

Alberts, D.S., L. Edwards, Y. Peng, R. Serokman, T.P. Davis, and F.L. Meyskens.  Clinical toxicology pharmacokinetics of 13-cis retinoic acid administered chronically at low doses expected for cancer chemoprevention trials.  In:  Vitamins and Cancer -Human Cancer Prevention by Vitamins and Micronutrient (Edited by F.L. Meyskens and K.N. Prasad) Humana Press, Inc.  pp. 245-255. 1985.

Hameroff, S.R., R.C. Cork, J.L. Weiss, B.R. Crago, and T.P. Davis.  Doxepin effects on chronic pain and depression:  A controlled study.  In:  Advances in Pain Research and Therapy. (H. Fields, R. Dubner and F. Cervero, Eds.) Raven Press, New York.  pp. 761-771.  1985.

Davis, T.P. and M.K. Yousef.  Sweat loss and voluntary dehydration during work in humid heat.  In:  Adaptive Physiology to Stressful Environments.  Edited by S. Samueloff and M.K. Yousef.  CRC Press, Inc., West Palm Beach, FL., pp. 103-112.  1987.

Davis, T.P. and M.K. Yousef.  Opioid peptides and adaptation to the environment.  In:  Adaptive Physiology to Stressful Environments.  Edited by S. Samueloff and M.K. Yousef.  CRC Press, Inc. West Palm Beach, FL., pp. 121-130.  1987.

Davis, T.P.  Methods of Measuring Neuropeptides and Their Metabolism.  In:  Stress, Neuropeptides and Systemic Disease.  Edited by P.G. Kaufman, J.A. McCubbin and C.B. Nemeroff.  Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, FL. Chapter 8., pp. 149-177.  1991.

Rittenbaugh, M. Aickin, T. Moon, T. Davis, E. Surwit and F. Meyskens, Jr., Dietary Factors in Cervical Dysplasia.  Chemoimmuno Prevention of Cancer, 1st International Conference, Vienna, Austria. Edited by Ugo Pastorino and Waun Ki Hong. Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 65-72.  1991.

Knapp, R.J., T.P. Davis, T.F. Burks and H.I. Yamamura.  Physiological and Pharmacological Evaluation of Peptide Analogues.  In:  Peptide Pharmaceuticals:  Approaches to the Design of Novel Drugs.  Chapter, 7 pp. 210-242.  1991.

Davis, T.P. and R.B. Williams.  Human Stress-Measurement and Consequences.  In:  A Lunar-Based Chemical Analysis Laboratory.  Edited by:  Cyril Ponnamperuma and Charles Gehrke.   A. Deepak Publishing.  Hampton, VA.  pp. 204-208.  1992.


Davis, T.P. and P. Konings. Peptidases in the CNS: Formation of Biologically Active Receptor Specific Peptide Fragments.  In: Critical Reviews in Neurobiology.  Edited by:  C.B. Nemeroff and E.B. DeSouza CRC Press Inc. Volume 7 (3/4): 163-174.  1993.


Davis, T.P. and S.L. Crowell.  B-endorphin is metabolized in vitro by human small cell lung cancer to γ-endorphin which stimulates clonal growth.  In: Growth factors, peptides and receptors.  Edited by: Terry W. Moody.  pp. 360-380.  Plenum Press, N.Y.  1993.


Mania-Farnell, B.L., B.J. Merrill, H.I. Yamamura and T.P. Davis.  Second messenger activators regulate CCK mRNA in the human neuroepithelioma cell line SK-N-MCIXC.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 713, 446-449.  1994.


Waters, S.M., C.S. Konkoy and T.P. Davis. Micro slices from specific rat brain regions in neuropeptide metabolism. In: Tissue Slices in Biological Research. Edited by: Klaus Brendel. Chapter 35. Academic Press Inc.  1995.


Davis, T.P., T. Abbruscato, E.A. Brownson, V.J. Hruby.  Conformationally constrained peptide drugs targeted at the blood brain barrier.  N.I.D.A. Technical Review on “Membranes and Barriers:  Targeted Drug Delivery,” NIDA Research Monograph 154.  Editor, Rao S. Rapaka. pp. 47-60. 1995.


Lung, F.-D., N. Collins, G. Li, J.-P. Meyer, B.-S. Lou, D. Stropova, P. Davis, T. Davis, F. Porreca, H.I. Yamamura and V.J. Hruby. Synthesis, Opioid Activities and Binding Affinities of Dynorphin A Analogues with Position-3 Conformational Constraints. New Insights Into Requirements for κ Receptors. Peptides 1994, H.L.S. Maia and C. Schneider, eds., ESCOM Sci. Publ., Leiden, 634-635.  1995.


Hruby, V.J., G. Li, X. Qian, C. Haskell-Leuvano, F.-D. Lung, K. Kӧvér, A. Misicka, H.I. Yamamura, T. Davis and F. Porreca. Design, Synthesis and Conformation in Chi Space for Developing Selective Peptides for Types and Subtypes of Receptors. Peptides 1994, L.S. Maia, and C. Schneider, eds. ESCOM Sci. Publ. Leiden, 62-64. 1995.


Waters, S.M. and T.P. Davis. Neuropeptides in development and aging.  Alterations of Peptide Metabolism and Neuropeptidase Activity in Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 814:30-39.  1997.


Williams, S.A., T.J. Abbruscato, L. Szabo, R. Polt, V. Hruby and T.P. Davis.  The effect of glycosylation on the uptake of an enkephalin analogue into the central nervous system.  Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Series.  In: Biology and Physiology of the Blood-Brain Barrier: Transport, Cellular Interaction and Brain Pathologies.  Editors: Couraud, P.O. and Scherman, D. Plenum Press, New York, USA, pp. 69-77.  1996.


Polt, R.L., Szabò, V.J. Hruby, T.P. Davis, F. Porreca and H.I. Yamamura.  Synthesis and pharmacology of o-linked glycopeptide enkephalin analogues: A new class of opioid analgesics.  Innovation and Perspectives in Solid Phase Synthesis and Combinatorial Libraries.  In: Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids.  Small Molecule Organic Chemical Diversity.  Editor: Roger Epton.  Mayflower Scientific Limited, Birmingham, pp. 277-280.  1996.


Hruby, V. J., J.-P. Meyer, N. Collins, F.-D. Lung, D. Stropova, P. Davis, T. Davis, F. Porreca and H.I. Yamamura.  Design of dynorphin A analogs with high potency and selectivity for κ or δ  receptors.  Implications for opioid drug design.  Problems in Drug Dependence, 1995, L.S. Harrid, Ed., NIDA Research Monograph 162, 155.  1996.


Williams, S.A., T.J. Abbruscato, V.J. Hruby and T.P. Davis.  Effects of halogenation on the CNS entry of DPDPE.  Problems in Drug Dependence, 1995, L.S. Harris, Ed., NIDA Research Monograph 162, 256.  1996.


Mania-Farnell, B. and T.P. Davis.  Modulation of prohormone convertase mRNA by second messenger activators and drugs.  Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 780:134-144.  1996.


Hruby, V.J., T.P. Davis, D.F. O’Brien, F. Porreca and H.I. Yamamura.  Design of peptides and peptidomimetics that are selective, stable and can cross membrane barriers.  In:  Nature Biotechnology Short Reports, Advances in Gene Technology, Biomolecular Design, Form and Function.  F. Ahmad, D. Bernstein, H. Bialy, S. Black, K. Brew, M.P. Beutscher, S. Hassler, G.A. Petsko and W.J. Whelan, IRL at Oxford Press, England, Vol. (8)76: 1997.


Egleton, R.D., K.A. Witt and T.P. Davis. Enhancing peptide bioavailability to the brain.  In: Blood-Spinal Cord and Brain Barriers in Health and Disease.  Edited by:  H.S. Sharma and Jan Westman, Uppsala University, Sweden, pages 107-116. 2003.Elsevier/Academic Press, Inc., London, England.


Fleegal, M., S. Hom and T.P. Davis. Molecular Modulation of the Blood Brain Barrier during Stroke. In: The Blood-Brain Barrier and its Microenvironment-Alterations in Neurological Diseases and Future Directions. Edited by: Elga de Vries, VU Medical Center, The Netherlands. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Press, New York, New York. Chapter 16, pages 385-405. 2005.


Egleton, R.D., K.A. Witt and T.P. Davis.  Opioid Peptides and the Blood Brain Barrier. In:  The Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, Edited by: Abba J. Kastin, M.D.  Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., Chapter 199. pp 1429-1434. 2007.


Witt, K.A. and T.P. Davis. CNS Drug Delivery: Opioid Peptides and the Blood Brain Barrier. In: Drug Addiction, Edited by: Rao S. Rapaka and Wolfgang Sadee. Springer Press, Chapter 30. pages 511-533.2008.


Witt, K.A., P.T. Ronaldson, K.E. Sandoval and T.P. Davis. CNS delivery of peptides across the BBB. In: Drug Delivery to the CNS. Edited by: Kewal Jain. Springer Verlag Press, Inc., Chapter 11. 2009.


Egleton, R.D., K.A. Witt and T.P. Davis.  Opioid Peptides and the Blood Brain Barrier (Opioids). In:  The Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, Second Edition. Edited by: Abba J. Kastin, M.D.  Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., Chapter 232. Pages 1696-1701.  2013.


Davis, T.P., L. Sanchez-Covarubias and M.E. Tome. “P-glycoprotein trafficking as a therapeutic target for optimizing drug delivery to the CNS”. Chapter 2. In: The Pharmacology of the Blood Brain Barrier: Targeting CNS Disorders. T.P. Davis, Editor. Academic Press. 550 pages. 15 Chapters. Published: October 10, 2014. Adv Pharmacol. 71: 25-44. 2014.


Ronaldson, P.T. and T.P. Davis. Chapter 4. “Glial Support of Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity: Molecular Targets for Novel Therapeutic Strategies in Stroke”. In : Non-Neuronal Mechanisms of Brain Damage and Repair after Stroke. Jun Chen Ph.D. John Zhang Ph.D., and Xiaoming Hu, Ph.D., Editors. pp. 45-80. Springer International  Press. Published August 16, 2016.


Ronaldson, P.T. and T.P. Davis. Chapter 45. “ Mechanisms of Endothelial Injury and Blood-Brain Dysfunction in Stroke”. In: Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases.  2nd Edition. Lou Caplan, Eng Lo, Megan Leary, Ruth Thomas, Midori Yenari and John Zhang, Editors. Academic Press. Chapter 45. pp 220 - 227. 2016. Cover.


Herndon, J., M. Tome and T.P. Davis. Chapter 9.“ Development and Maintenance of the Blood Brain Barrier”. In: Primer on Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2nd Edition. Lou Caplan, Eng Lo, Megan Leary, Ruth Thomas, Midori Yenari and John Zhang, Editors. Academic Press. Chapter 9. pp 51 - 57. 2016. Cover.

Betterton, R.D., T.P. Davis and P.T. Ronaldson. Organic Cation Transporter (OCT/OCTN)  Expression at Brain Barrier Sites : Focus on CNS Drug Delivery. IN:  Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Springer, Edited by: Lynette Dawes. 2021.


REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES (h-index 77, D-index 80. 22000 citations):

Davis, T.P., M.K. Yousef and H.D. Johnson.  Respiratory activity and metabolic rate of burros, Equus asinus:  Effect of age.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 60A, 203-205, 1978.

Davis, T.P., M.K. Yousef and H.D. Johnson.  Hormonal, hematologic, and other biochemical constituents in the burro, Equus asinus.  J. Equine Med. and Surgery 2:389-392, 1978.

Davis, T.P., M.K. Yousef and H.D. Johnson.  Partition of body fluids in the burro, Equus asinus.  J. Wildlife Management 42(4):973-975, 1978.

Davis, T.P. and C.W. Gehrke, C.W. Gehrke, Jr., T.D. Cunningham, K.C. Kuo, K.O. Gerhardt, H.D. Johnson and C.H. Williams.  High performance liquid chromatographic separation and fluorescence measurement of biogenic amines in plasma, urine, and tissue.  Clinical Chemistry 24:1317-1324, 1978.

Davis, T.P., C.W. Gehrke, C.W. Gehrke, Jr., T.D. Cunningham, K.C. Kuo and K.O. Gerhardt.  High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of biogenic amines in biological materials as 0-phthalaldehyde derivatives.  J. Chromatography 162:292-310, 1979.

El-Nouty, F.C., I.M. Elbana, T.P. Davis and H.D. Johnson.  Aldosterone and ADH Response to heat and dehydration in cattle.  J. Applied Physiol. 48(2):249-255, 1980.

Musacchia, X.J., D.R. Deavers, G.A. Meininger and T.P. Davis.  A model for hypokinesia:  Effects on muscle atrophy in the rat.  J. Appl. Physiol.:  Respirat. Environm. Exercise Physiol. 48(3):479-486, 1980.

De Forrest, J.M., J.O. Davis, R.H. Freeman, G.A. Stephens, A.A. Seymour, B.P. Rowe, G.M. Williams, T.P. Davis and C. Gehrke.  Effects of indomethacin and meclofenamate on renin release and renal hemodynamic function during chronic sodium depletion in conscious dogs.  Circulation Research 47(1):99-107, 1980.

Peng, Y.M., T.P. Davis and D.S. Alberts.  High performance liquid chromatography of a new anti-cancer drug, ADCA B physicochemical properties and pharmacokinetics.  Life Sciences 29:361-369, 1981.

Davis, T.P., C.W. Gehrke, Jr., C.H. Williams, C.W. Gehrke and K.O. Gerhardt.  Pre-column derivatization and HPLC of biogenic amines in blood of normal and malignant hyperthermic pigs.  J. Chromatography 228:113-122, 1982.

Davis, T.P., A. Chen and H.I. Yamamura.  High performance liquid chromatography of pharmacologically active amines and peptides in biological materials.  Presented at Symposium on Liquid Chromatography as a Research Tool in Peptide and Amine Pharmacology.   Life Sciences 30:971-987, 1982.

Brothman, A.R., T.P. Davis, J.J. Duffy and T.J. Lindell.  Development of an antibody to Actinomycin D and its application for the detection of serum levels by radioimmunoassay.  Cancer Research 42:1184-1187, 1982.

Davis, T.P., Y.M. Peng, G.E. Goodman and D.S. Alberts.  High performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, and pharmacokinetics of melphalan, bisantrene and 13-cis retinoic acid.  J. Chrom. Science 20(11):511-516, 1982.

Lu-Steffes, M., G.W. Pittluck, M.E. Jolley, H.M. Pannas, D.L. Olive, C.H.J. Wang, D.D. Nystrom, C.L. Keegan, T.P. Davis, and S.D. Stroupe.  Fluorescence polarization immunoassay - determination of phenytoin and phenobarbital in human serum and plasma.  Clinical Chemistry 28(11):2278-2282, 1982.

Gillespie, T.J., A.J. Gandolfi, T.P. Davis and R.A. Morano.  Identification and quantification of methylfentanyl in postmortem specimens.  Analytical Toxicology 6:139-142, 1982.

Schoemaker, H., A. Chen, T.P. Davis and H.I. Yamamura.  A study of the metabolism of des-tyrosine-gamma-endorphin using an improved HPLC system.  Psychopharmacology Bulletin 18(4):144-148, 1982.

Goodman, G.E., J.D. Einspahr, D.S. Alberts, T.P. Davis, S.A. Leigh, H.S.G. Chen and F.L. Meyskens.  Pharmacokinetics of 13-cis-retinoic acid in patients with advanced cancer.  Cancer Research 42:2087-2091, 1982.

Schoemaker, H., T.P. Davis, N.W. Pedigo, A. Chen, E.S. Berens, J. Regan, N.C. Ling and H.I. Yamamura.  Identification of β-endorphin 6-17 as the principal metabolite of des-tyrosine-gamma-endorphin (DT gamma E) in vitro and assessment of its activity in neurotransmitter receptor binding assays.  European J. of Pharmacology 81:459-468, 1982.

Peng, Y.M., D. Ormberg, D.S. Alberts and T.P. Davis.  Improved high performance liquid chromatography of the new antineoplastic agents Bisantrene and Mitoxantrane.  J. Chromatography 233:235-247, 1982.

Hameroff, S.R., B.R. Crago, C. Neuman, J.R. Womble and T.P. Davis.  Doxepin effects on chronic pain, depression and plasma opioids.  J. Clin. Psychiatry 43(8):22-26, 1982.

Russell, D.H., J.D. Ellingson and T.P. Davis.  Analysis of polyamines and acetyl derivatives by a single automated amino acid analyzer technique.  J. Chromatography 273:263-274, 1983.

Peng, Y.M., J. Beaudry, D.S. Alberts and T.P. Davis.  High performance liquid chromatography of provitamin A beta-carotene in plasma.  J. Chromatography 273:410-414, 1983.

Davis, T.P., S.K. Veggeberg, S.R. Hameroff and K.L. Watts.  Sensitive and quantitative determination of plasma doxepin and desmethyldoxepin in chronic pain patients by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.  J. Chromatography 273:436-441, 1983.

Yamamura, H.I., K.W. Gee, R.E. Brinton, T.P. Davis, M. Hadley and J.K. Wamsley.  Light microscopic autoradiographic visualization of (3H)-arginine vasopressin binding sites in rat brain.  Life Sciences 32:1919-1924, 1983.

Burks, T.F., L.D. Hirning, J.J. Galligan and T.P. Davis.  Motility effects of opioid peptides in dog intestines.  Life Sciences 31:2237-2240, 1983.

Dill, D.B., M.K. Yousef, A. Goldman, S.P. Hillyard and T.P. Davis.  Volume and composition of hand sweat of white and black men and women in desert walks.  Am. J. Physical Anthropology 61:67-73, 1983.

Brinton, R.E., S.H. Buck, P.P. Deshmukh, A. Chen, T.P. Davis, S. Hsiao and H.I. Yamamura.  A non-equilibrium 24-hour vasopressin radioimmunoassay:  Development and basal levels in the rat brain.  Brain Research 266:344-347, 1983.

Buck, S.H., J.H. Walsh, T.P. Davis, M.R. Brown, H.I. Yamamura and T.F. Burks.  Characterization of the peptide and sensory neurotoxic effects of capsaicin in the guinea pig.  J. Neuroscience 3:2064-2074, 1983.

Alberts, D.S. Y.-M. Peng, S. Leigh, T.P. Davis and D.L. Woodward.  Disposition of Mitoxantrane in patients.  Cancer Treatment Reviews 10:23-27, 1983.

Davis, T.P., A.J. Culling, H. Schoemaker and J.H. Galligan.  β-endorphin and its metabolites stimulate motility in the dog small intestine.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 227(2):499-507, 1983.

Berens, M.E., S.E. Salmon and T.P. Davis.  Quantitative analysis of prostaglandins in cell culture by high resolution gas chromatography with electron capture detection.  J. Chromatography 307(2):251-260,  1984.

Davis, T.P., H. Schoemaker, and A.J. Culling-Berglund.  Centrally acting drugs alter in vitro β-endorphin processing in the rat.  European J. Pharmacol. 100:249-251, 1984.

Dray, A., R. Metsch, and T.P. Davis.  Endorphins and the central inhibition of urinary bladder motility.  Peptides 5(5):645-647, 1984.

Hameroff, S.R., K.S. Watts, J.L. Weiss, B. Crago, T.C. Lerman, C.P. Neuman, R.C. Cork, J.R. Womble, T.P. Davis.  Doxepin effects on chronic pain and depression:  A controlled study.  J. Clinical Psychiatry 45(3):47-52, 1984.

Peng, Y.-M., D.S. Alberts, S.E. Salmon and T.P. Davis.  A method for the simultaneous measurement of the new anthracycline derivative 4'-deoxydoxorubicin and its potential metabolites by reversed phase liquid chromatography.  J. Invest. New Drug 2:277-280, 1984.

Davis, T.P., H.D. Johnson, and C.W. Gehrke.  Effect of temperature stress on circulating biogenic amines in bovine.  Comp. Biochem. and Physiol. 79c(2):369-373, 1984.

Davis, T.P., H. Schoemaker, and A.J. Culling-Berglund.  Characterization of in vitro proteolytic processing of β-endorphin by reversed phase HPLC.  Peptides 5:1037-1042, 1984.

Schoemaker, H. and T.P. Davis.  Differential in vitro metabolism of β-endorphin in schizophrenia.  Peptides 5:1049-1054, 1984.

Brinton, R.E., K.W. Gee, J.W. Wamsley, T.P. Davis, and H.I. Yamamura.  Regional distribution of putative vasopressin receptors in rat brain pituitary by quantitative autoradiography.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 81:7248-7252, 1984.

Alberts, D.S., Y.M. Peng, S. Leigh, T.P. Davis, and D.L. Woodward.  Disposition of Mitoxantrane in cancer patients.  Cancer Research 46:1879-1884, 1985.

Peng, Y.-M., D.S. Alberts, and T.P. Davis.  In vivo and in vitro metabolism of the new anticancer drug bisantrene.  Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 14:15-20, 1985.

Davis, T.P., Porreca, F., T.F. Burks, and A. Dray.  The Proenkephalin A fragment peptide E:  Central processing and in vivo CNS activity.  European J. Pharmacology 111:177-184, 1985.

Davis, T.P. and A.J. Culling-Berglund.  High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of in vitro central neuropeptide processing.  J. Chromatography 327:279-292, 1985.

Dray, A., and T.P. Davis.  The Proenkephalin A fragment metorphamide shows supraspinal and spinal opioid activity in vivoPeptides 6:217-221, 1985.

Hameroff, S.R., R.C. Cork, J.L. Weiss, B.R. Crago, and T.P. Davis.  Doxepin effects on chronic pain and depression:  A controlled study.  Clin. J. of Pain 1:171-176, 1985.

Davis, T.P., A. Han, and M.K. Yousef.  Central metabolism of β-endorphin in different species of temperature acclimated rodents.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 84c(1):105-111, 1986.

Davis, T.P., T.J. Gillespie, R. Yekta, and T.M. Hansen. Chromatographic characterization of nutritional components in a low calorie, juice based beverage.  Flussiges Obst. 11:577-580, 1986.

Davis, T.P., A.J. Culling-Berglund and H. Schoemaker.  Specific regional differences of β-endorphin metabolism in schizophrenics.  Life Sciences 39(26):2601-2609, 1986.

Davis, T.P., A.J. Culling-Berglund, T.J. Gillespie and T.L. Smith. Ethanol treatment alters β-endorphin metabolism by purified synaptosomal membranes.  Peptides 8:467-472, 1987.

Davis, T.P. and A.J. Culling-Berglund.  Neuroleptic drug treatment alters in vitro central neurotensin metabolism. Psychoneuroendocrinology 12(4):253-260, 1987.

Conrad, K.A., T.C. Fagan, P. May Shar, T.P. Davis and D.G. Johnson.  Anti-hypertensive effects of parenteral nicardipine alone and with captopril. Clin. Pharm. and Therap. 42(1):113-118, 1987.

Carrier, M., J.G. Copeland, D.H. Russell, M.J. Perrotta, T.P. Davis and R.W. Emery.  Urinary polyamines are non-invasive markers of cardiac allograft rejection.  J. Heart Transplantation 6:286-289, 1987.

Belyea, R.L., F.A. Martz, M. Madhisetty and T.P. Davis.  Intake, digestibility and energy utilization of corrugated paper diets.  Animal Feed Sci. and Tech. 17:57-64, 1987.

Carrier, M., D.H. Russell, T.P. Davis, R.W. Emery and J.G. Copeland.  Urinary polyamines as markers of cardiac allograft rejection.  J. Thoracic Cardiovasc. Surgery 96(5):806-810, 1988.

Margolis, S.A., and T.P. Davis.  Stabilization of ascorbic acid in human plasma, and its liquid-chromatographic measurement.  Clinical Chemistry 34:2217-2223, 1988.

Carrier, M., D.H. Russell, T.P. Davis, R.W. Emery and J.G. Copeland.  Value of urinary polyamines as noninvasive markers of cardiac allograft rejection in the dog.  Ann. Thorac. Surg. 45:158-163, 1988.

Culling-Berglund, A.J., S.A. Newcomb, M. Gagne, W.S. Morfitt and T.P. Davis.  A sensitive and specific procedure for the analysis of β-carotene in human skin.  J. Micronutrient Analysis 5:139-148, 1989.

Plezia, P.M., D.S. Alberts, Y.M. Peng, M.J. Xu, S. Sayers, T.P. Davis, E.A. Surwit and F.L. Meyskens.  The role of serum and tissue pharmacology studies in the design and interpretation of chemoprevention studies.  Preventive Medicine 18:680-687, 1989.

Davis, T.P., T.W. Moody, R. Liu, S. Crowell and H. Burgess.  β-endorphin and neurotensin stimulate in vitro clonal growth of human SCLC cells.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. 161:283-285, 1989.

Staley, J., G. Fiskum, T.P. Davis, and T.W. Moody.  Neurotensin elevates cytosolic calcium in small cell lung cancer cells.  Peptides 10:1217-1221, 1989.

Davis, T.P., T.J. Gillespie and F. Porreca.  Peptide fragments derived from the β-chain of hemoglobin (hermorphins) are centrally active in vivoPeptides 10:747-751, 1989.

Crowell, S.L., H.S. Burgess and T.P. Davis.  Effect of mycoplasma on the autocrine stimulation of human small cell lung cancer in vitro by bombesin and β-endorphin.  Life Sciences 45:2471-2476, 1989.

Rao, R.K., O. Koldovsky, P.F. Pollack, M. Korc, S. Wright and T.P. Davis.  Processing and transfer of epidermal growth factor in developing rat jejunum and ileum.  Peptides 11(6):1093-1102, 1990.

Rao, R.K., O. Koldovsky and T.P. Davis.  Inhibition of intestinal degradation of somatostatin by rat milk.  American J. Physiology. 258:G426-G431, 1990.

Newcomb, S.A., A.J. Culling-Berglund and T.P. Davis.  Endogenous levels of carotenoids in human buccal mucosa cells by RP-HPLC.  J. Chromatography 526(1):47-58, 1990.

Li, Z.W., K. Brendel, J. Van Nispen and T.P. Davis.  Neuropeptide processing in regional brain slices:  Effect of conformation and sequence.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 253(2):851-857, 1990.

Morrill, M., R. Louis and T.P. Davis.  Haloperidol, chlorpromazine and apomorphine alter central regional neuropeptidase activity.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183(6):2318-2319, 1990.

Davis, T.P., B. McInturff, T.W. Moody and S.L. Crowell.  Protease inhibitors suppress in vitro clonal growth of human small cell lung cancer.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. 183(2):194-195, 1990.

Davis, T.P., G. Hoyer, P. Davis and T.F. Burks. Proenkephalin A derived peptide E and its fragments alter opioid contractility in the small intestine. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 191:253-261, 1990.

Konings, P., A.J. Culling-Berglund and T.P. Davis.  Chronic haloperidol and chlorpromazine treatment alters in vitro β-endorphin metabolism in rat brain.  Eur. J. Pharmacol. 191:115-128, 1990.

Davis, T.P., S. Crowell, B. McInturff, R. Louis and T. Gillespie.  Neurotensin may function as a regulatory peptide in small cell lung cancer.  Peptides 12:17-23, 1991.

Davis, T.P., T. Gillespie, J. Shook, K. Hawkins, P. Davis, H.I. Yamamura and T.F. Burks.  Changes in opioid receptor selectivity following processing of peptide E:  Effect on gut motility.  Gastroenterology 100:1603-1615, 1991.

Knapp, R.J., S. Sharma, G. Toth, M. Duong, C. Bogert, T.P. Davis, V. Hruby and H.I. Yamamura.  [D-Pen2,4 I-Phe4,D-Pen5]enkephalin:  A  selective and high affinity radioligand for delta opioid receptors with exceptional specific activity.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 258(3):1077-1083, 1991.

Rao, R.K., O. Koldovsky and T.P. Davis.  Regional differences in the gastrointestinal processing of epidermal growth factor in suckling rats.  American J. Physiol. 261:G790-G798, 1991.

Weber, S.J., S. Sharma, G. Toth, L. Hersh, V. Hruby, D. Greene, H.I. Yamamura and T.P. Davis.  Distribution and analgesia of [D-Pen2,D-Pen5] enkephalin and two halogenated analogues following intravenous administration.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 259(3):1109-1117, 1991.

Davis, T.P., T.J. Gillespie and P.N.M. Konings.  Specificity of neurotensin metabolism by regional rat brain slices.  J. Neurochemistry 58:608-617, 1992.

Weber, S., L. Trombley, P. Davis and T.P. Davis.  Metabolic half-life of somatostatin and peptidase activities are altered in Alzheimer's disease.  J. Gerontology 47(1):B18-B25, 1992.

Davis, T.P., S. Crowell, J. Taylor, J.P. Moreau, D. Coy, J. Staley and T.W. Moody.  Metabolic Stability and tumor inhibition of Bombesin/GRP receptor antagonists.  Peptides 13:401-407, 1992.

Weber, S.J., D.L. Greene, V.J. Hruby, H.I. Yamamura, F. Porreca and T.P. Davis. Whole body and brain distribution of [3H] DPDPE after I.P., I.V., P.O., and S.C. administration.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 263(3):1308-1316, 1992.

Gillespie, T.J., P.N.M. Konings, B. Merrill and T.P. Davis.  A specific enzyme assay for aminopeptidase M. in rat brain.  Life Sciences 51(26):2097-2106, 1992.

Banks, W.A., K.L. Audus and T.P. Davis.  Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier to Peptides: An Approach to the Development of Therapeutically Useful Analogs.  Peptides 13:1289-1294, 1992.

Fang L., Knapp R.J., Matsunaga T., Weber S., T.P. Davis, Hruby V., Yamamura H.I. Synthesis of [4'-125I-Phe3,Glu4]deltorphin and characterization of its delta opioid receptor binding properties.  Life Sciences 51:189-193, 1992.

Rao, R.K., O. Koldovsky and T.P. Davis.  Fate of intraduodenally administered somatostatin in rats in vivo Peptides 14(6):1199-1203, 1993.

Horan, P., W. Kazmierski, R. Ferguson, V.J. Hruby, S. Weber, T.P. Davis, L. Fang, R. Knapp, H.I. Yamamura, T. Kramer, T.F. Burks and F. Porreca.  Unexpected antinociceptive potency of cyclic [D-Tca1]-CTAP:  Potential for a novel mechanism of action. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 233:53-62, 1993.

Konkoy, C., M.J. Oakes, and T.P. Davis. Chronic treatment with neuroleptics alters neutral endopeptidase 24.11 activity in rat brain regions. Peptides 14:1017-1020, 1993.

Konings, P.N.M., Farnell, B., M.C. Beinfeld, B.J. Merrill, T.W. Moody, R. Day, N.G. Seidah, and T.P. Davis.  Processing, release and metabolism of cholecystokinin in SK-N-MC1XC cells. Neuropeptides 25:19-30, 1993.

Weber, S.J., T.J. Abbruscato, V.J. Hruby, H.I. Yamamura and T.P. Davis.  Assessment of an in vitro Blood-Brain Barrier model using several [met]5 enkephalin opioid analogs.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 266:1649-1655, 1993.

Horan, P.J., K.D. Wild, A. Misicka, A. Lipkowski, V.J. Hruby, S.J. Weber, T.P. Davis, H.I. Yamamura and F. Porreca.  Agonist and Antagonist Profiles of (D-Ala2, Glu4) Deltorphin and its (Cys4) - and (Ser4) Derivatives:  Further evidence of opioid delta receptor multiplicity.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 265:896-902, 1993.

Clark, D.A., R. Day, N. Seidah, T.W. Moody, F. Cuttitta and T.P. Davis. Protease inhibitors suppress in vitro growth of human small cell lung cancer.  Peptides 14:1021-1028, 1993.

Horan, P., A. Mattia, E.J. Bilsky, S. Weber, T.P. Davis, V.J. Hruby, and F. Porreca.  Antinociceptive profile of biphalin, a dimeric enkephalin analog.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 265:1446-1454, 1993.

Farnell, B., P.N.M. Konings, B. Merrill, and T.P. Davis.  Differential regulation of  CCKmRNA in the human neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-MC-9c in response to second  messenger activators.  FEBS Letters 335(1):65-68, 1993.          

Rao, R.K., H.-H. Chang, S. Levenson, F. Porreca, P. Brannon, T.P. Davis, and O. Koldovsky.  Ontogenic differences in the inhibition of gastric acid secretion by epidermal growth factor.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 266(2):647-654, 1993.

Quay T., Slaughter C., Davis T.P., Merrill B.J., Hersh L.B.  Positional effects in the neutral endopeptidase (enkephalinase) reaction.  Archives in Biochemistry and Biophysics 308(1):133-136, 1994.

Oakes, M.G., and T.P. Davis.  The ontogeny of enzymes involved in the post-translational processing and metabolism of neuropeptides.  Developmental Brain Research 80:127-136, 1994.

Polt, R., Porreca, F., Lajos Z.S., Bilsky, E.J., Davis, P., Davis, T.P., Horvath, R., McCormick, J.M., Yamamura, H., Hruby, V. Glycopeptide enkephalin analogues cross the blood-brain barrier in vivo to produce analgesia in mice.  Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 91:7114-7118, 1994.

Konkoy, C.S., S.M. Waters and T.P. Davis. Acute administration of neuroleptics decreases neurotensin metabolism on intact regional rat brain slices.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 269(2):555-563, 1994.

Brownson, E.A., T.J. Abbruscato, T.J. Gillespie and T.P. Davis.  Effect of peptidases at the blood brain barrier on the permeability of enkephalins.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 270(2):675-680, 1994.

Haaseth, R.C., P.J. Horan, E.J. Bilsky, P. Davis, T. Zalewska, J. Slaninova, H.I. Yamamura, S. Weber, T.P. Davis, F. Porreca and V.J. Hruby. [L-Ala3] DPDPE: A new enkephalin analog with a unique opioid receptor activity profile.  Further evidence of delta opioid receptor multiplicity.  J. Medicinal Chemistry 37:1572-1577, 1994.

Mania-Farnell, B.L., B.J. Merrill, H.I. Yamamura and T.P. Davis.  Second messenger activators regulate CCK mRNA in the human neuroepithelioma cell line SK-N-MCIXC.  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 713:446-449, 1994.

Hruby, V.J., A. Misicka, A.W. Lipkowski, R.C. Haaseth, H. Bartosz-Beechowski, X. Qian, N. Collins, J.P. Meyer, L. Szabo, R. Polt, F. Porreca, T.P. Davis and H.I. Yamamura.  New opioid compounds in analgesia.  Regulatory Peptides S71-S72, 1994.

Slaninova, J., R.J. Knapp, S.J. Weber, T.P. Davis, S.N. Fang, V.J. Hruby,  H.I. Yamamura.  [125I]SNF-8702: A selective radioligand for cholecystokinin B receptors.  Peptides 16(2):221-224, 1995.

Waters, S.M., C. Konkoy and T.P. Davis.  Neuropeptide metabolism on intact, regional brain slices: Effect of dopaminergic agents on substance P, cholecystokinin and Met-enkephalin degradation.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 274: 783-789, 1995.

Schetz, J.A., C. Mayr, J.-P. Moreau, J. Taylor, and T.P. Davis.  Distribution and pharmacokinetics of a potent peptide antagonist of parathyroid hormone and parathyroid hormone related protein in the rat.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 274(3):1456-1462, 1995.

Waters, S.M., and T.P. Davis.  Alterations of substance P metabolism and neuropeptidases in Alzheimer's disease.  J. Gerontology 50A: B315-B319, 1995.

Konkoy, C.S. and T.P. Davis.  Regional metabolism of met-enkephalin and CCK on intact rat brain slices:  Characterization of specific peptidases.  J. Neurochemistry. 65(1):2773-2782, 1995.

Meyer, J.-P., T.J. Gillespie, V.J. Hruby, and T.P. Davis.  In vitro stability of some reduced peptide bond pseudopeptide analogs of dynorphin A. Peptides 16(7):1215-1219, 1995.

Mania-Farnell, B.L., I. Botros, and T.P. Davis.  Modulation of CCK mRNA in cell lines in response to isoproteranol and retinoic acid.  Neuropeptides 29:221-227, 1995.

Hruby, V.J., T.P. Davis, R. Polt, F. Porreca, D. O’Brien, H.I. Yamamura, H. Bartosz, L. Szabo, T.J. Gillespie, A. Misicka, A. Lipkowski, X. Qian, G. Li, D. Patel and G. Bonner.  Design and synthesis of peptide ligands with unique biochemical and biological profiles at opioid receptors that cross the blood brain barrier.  Analgesia 1:469-472, 1995.

Hruby, V.J., N. Collins, F.-D. Lung, J.-P. Meyer, T.P. Davis, H.I. Yamamura and F. Porreca.  Design of peptides and peptidomimetics for delta and kappa opioid receptor subtypes.  Regulatory Peptides 54:123-124, 1995.       

Rao, R.K., M Shantaon, S. Levenson, A. Raja, T.P. Davis, and A. Rao.  Molecular variants of epidermal growth factor in malignant astrocytoma.  Peptides 17(1):179-181, 1996.

Mania-Farnell, B.L., I. Botros, R. Day, and T.P. Davis.  Differential modulation of prohormone convertase mRNA by second messenger activators in two cholecystokinin producing cell lines.  Peptides 17:47-54, 1996.

Williams, S., T.S. Abbruscato, V.J. Hruby, and T.P. Davis.  The passage of a delta opioid receptor selective enkephalin, DPDPE, across the blood-brain and blood CSF barriers.  J. Neurochemistry 66:1289-1299, 1996.

Bell, I.R., G.E. Schwartz, R.R. Bootzin, V. Hau, and T.P. Davis.  Time-dependent sensitization of plasma beta-endorphin in community elderly with self-reported environmental chemical odor intolerance.  Biological Psychiatry 40:134-143, 1996.

Konkoy, C.S., S.M. Waters and T.P. Davis.  Subchronic haloperidol administration decreases aminopeptidase N activity and met-enkephalin metabolism in rat striatum and cortex.  European J. Pharmacol. 297:47-51, 1996.

Abbruscato, T.J., S.A. Williams, V.J. Hruby and T.P. Davis.  Blood-to-CNS entry and stability of biphalin, a unique double-enkephalin analog, and its halogenated derivatives.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 276:1049-1057, 1996.

Greene, D.L., V.S. Hau, A. Misicka, R. Lipkowski, T. Abbruscato, T. Gillespie, V. J. Hruby and T.P. Davis.  Enkephalin analog pro-drugs: An assessment of in vitro  conversion, enzyme cleavage characterization and blood-brain barrier permeability.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 277:1366-1375, 1996.

Waters, S., Konkoy, C.S. and T.P. Davis.  Haloperidol and Apomorphine differentially affect neuropeptidase activity.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 277:113-120, 1996.

Konkoy, C.S. and T.P. Davis.  Ectoenzymes as sites of peptide regulation.  Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 17(8) : 288-294, 1996.

Moreau, J.-P., S. Kim, J.Z. Dong, F. Ignatious, S. Jackson, S.C. Moreau, B.A. Morgan, F. Touraud, J.E. Taylor, B. Tissier, M. Pellet, W. Murphy, and T.P. Davis.  Improved analogs and novel delivery systems for somatostatin octapeptides.  Metabolism, Vol. 45, No. 8, Suppl. 1, pp 24-26, 1996.

Abbruscato, T.J., S.A. Williams, V.J. Hruby, and T.P. Davis.  Blood-brain barrier permeability and bioavailability of a highly potent and mu-selective opioid receptor antagonist, CTAP: Comparison with morphine.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther.  280(1):402-409, 1997.

Thomas, S.A., T.A. Abbruscato, V.J. Hruby, and T.P. Davis.  The entry of [D-Penicillamine2,5] enkephalin into the central nervous system: Saturation kinetics and specificity.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 280(3):1235-1240, 1997.

Abbruscato, T.J., S.A. Williams, V.J. Hruby and T.P. Davis.  Brain and spinal cord distribution of biphalin, correlation with opioid receptor density and mechanism of CNS entry.  J. Neurochemistry 69(3):1236-1245, 1997.

Thomas, S.A., T.J. Abbruscato, V.S. Hau, V.J. Hruby and T.P. Davis.  Structure-activity relationships of a series of [D-ALA2] deltorphin I and II analogues; in vitro blood-brain barrier permeability and stability1J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 281(2):817-825, 1997.

Waters, S.M., M.P. Rounseville and T.P. Davis.  Effect of dopaminergic drugs on processing and degradative neuropeptidase mRNA in rat frontal cortex and caudate-putamen.  Brain Research 754:28-34, 1997.

Bell, I.R., G.E. Schwartz, R.R. Bootzin, V. Hau and T.P. Davis.  Elevation of plasma beta-endorphin levels of shy elderly in response to novel laboratory experiences.  Behavioral Medicine 22(4):168-173, 1997.

Egleton, R.D. and T.P. Davis.  Bioavailability and transport of peptides and peptide drugs into the brain.  Peptides 18(9):1431-1439, 1997.

Moody, T.W., Mayr, C.A., T. Gillespie and T.P. Davis.  Neurotensin is metabolized by endogenous proteases in prostate cancer cell lines.  Peptides 19(2):253-258, 1998.

Slaninova, J., Appleyard, S., A. Misicka, A.W. Lipkowski, T. Abbruscato, T.P. Davis, V.J. Hruby and H.I. Yamamura.  (125I-Tyr1) Biphalin binding to opioid receptors of rat brain and NG 108-15 cell membranes.  Life Sciences 62, 14: PL199-PL204, 1998.

Li, G., W. Haq, L. Xiang, B.-S. Lou, R. Hughes, I.A. DeLeon, P. Davis, T.J. Gillespie, M. Romanowski, X. Zhu, A. Misicka, A.W. Lipkowski, F. Porreca, T.P. Davis, H.I. Yamamura, D.F. O’Brien and V.J. Hruby.  Modifications of the 4,4'-residues and SAR Studies of Biphalin, a highly potent opioid receptor active peptide.  Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 8(5):555-560, 1998.

Gillespie, T, J. Erenberg, J.E. Taylor, S. Kim, J. Dong, V. Hau and T.P. Davis.  Novel somatostatin analogs for the treatment of acromegaly and cancer exhibit improved in vivo stability and distribution.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 285(1):95-104, 1998.

Egleton, R.D., Abbruscato, T.J., S. Williams, and T.P. Davis.  Transport of opioid peptides into the central nervous system.  J. Pharm. Sci. 87(11):1433-1439, 1998.

Kline, J.P., I. Bell, G.E. Schwartz, V. Hau and T.P. Davis.  Repressive and defensive coping styles predict resting plasma endorphin levels in the elderly.  Biological Psychology 49:295-302, 1998.

Abbruscato, T.J. and T.P. Davis.  Combination of hypoxia/aglycemia compromises in vitro blood-brain barrier integrity.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 289(2):668-675, 1999.

Egleton, R.D. and T.P. Davis.  Transport of the opioid receptor agonist [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]enkephalin across the blood-brain barrier involves transcytosis.  J. Pharm. Sci., 88(4):392-397, 1999.

Rao, R.K., O. Koldovsky, C. Williams and T.P. Davis.  Milk inhibits somatostatin degradation in suckling rat jejunum in vivo J. Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 28(1):84-94, 1999.

Gentry, C.L., R.D. Egleton, T. Gillespie and T.P. Davis.  The effect of halogenation on blood-brain barrier permeability of a novel peptide drug.  Peptides 20(10):1229-1238, 1999.

Abbruscato, T.J. and T.P. Davis.  Protein expression of brain endothelial cell E-cadherin after hypoxia/aglycemia: Influence of astrocyte contact.  Brain Research 842(2):277-286, 1999.

Rounseville, M., and T.P. Davis.  Prohormone convertase and autocrine growth factor mRNAs are coexpressed in small cell lung carcinoma.  J Molecular Endocrinology 25(1):121-128, 2000.

Newcomb, R., T. Abbruscato, T. Singh, L. Nadasdi, T. P. Davis and G. Miljanich.  Bioavailability of ziconotide in brain: Influx from blood, stability and diffusion.  Peptides 21:491-501, 2000.

Egleton, R.D., S.A. Mitchell, R. Polt, V.J. Hruby, J.D. Huber and T.P. Davis.  Improved bioavailability to the brain of glycosylated Met-enkephalin analogs.  Brain Research 881(1):37-46, 2000.

Witt, K.A., R.D. Egleton, C. Slate, V.J. Hruby, and T.P. Davis.  Assessment of stereoselectivity of trimethylphenylalanine analogs of δ-opioid [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]-enkephalin.  J. Neurochemistry 75(1):424-435, 2000.

Bilsky, E.J., R.D. Egleton, J.D. Huber, H. Jones, H.I. Yamamura, J. Janders, T.P. Davis, P. Davis, F. Porreca, V.J. Hruby, S.A. Mitchell, M.M. Palian, R. Polt.  Enkephalin glycopeptide analogs produce analgesia with reduced dependence liability.  J. Med. Chem. 43(13):2586-2590, 2000.

Mark, K.S., and T.P. Davis.  Stroke: Development, prevention and treatment with peptidase inhibitors.  Peptides 21(12):1965-1973, 2000.       

Witt, K.A., R.D. Egleton, J.D. Huber and T.P. Davis. Insulin enhancement of opioid peptide transport across the blood-brain barrier and assessment of analgesic effect.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 295(3):972-978, 2000.

Huber, J.D., K.A. Witt, S. Hom, R.D. Egleton, K.S. Mark, and T.P. Davis. Inflammatory pain alters blood‑brain barrier permeability and tight junctional protein expression.  American. J. Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 280:H1241-H1248, 2001.

Moody, T.W., J. Chiles, M. Casibang, E.L. Moody, D. Chan and T.P. Davis. SR48692 is a neurotensin receptor agonist which inhibits the growth of small cell lung cancer cells.  Peptides 22:109-115, 2001.

Egleton, R.D., S.A. Mitchell, J. Huber, M.M. Palian, R. Polt, and T.P. Davis.  Improved Blood-Brain Barrier Penetration and Enhanced Analgesia of an Opioid Peptide by Glycosylation.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 299(3):967-972, 2001.

Hom, S, R.D. Egleton, T.J. Abbruscato and T.P. Davis.  Effect of reduced flow on blood-brain barrier transport systems.  Brain Research 890(1):38-48, 2001.

Witt, K.A., T.J. Gillespie, R.D. Egleton, J.D. Huber and T.P. Davis.  Peptide drug modification to enhance bioavailability and blood brain barrier permeability.  Peptides 22:2329-2243, 2001.

Witt, K.A., J.D. Huber, R.D. Egleton, M.J. Roberts, M.D. Bentley, L. Guo, H. Wei, H.I. Yamamura and T.P. Davis.  Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic characterization of poly(ethylene glycol) conjugation to Met-enkephalin analogue DPDPE.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 298(2):848-856, 2001.

Huber, J.D., R.D. Egleton and T.P. Davis.  Molecular physiology and pathophysiology of blood-brain barrier tight junction.  Trends in the Neurosciences 24(12):719-725, 2001.

Abbruscato, T.J., K.S. Mark, B. Hawkins and T.P. Davis. Nicotine and cotinine modulate cerebral microvascular permeability and protein expression of Z0-1 through nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed on brain endothelial cells. J. Pharm. Sci. 91(12):2525-2538, 2002.

Mark, K.S. and T.P. Davis.  Cerebral microvascular changes in permeability and tight junctions induced by hypoxia- reoxygenation.  American J. Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 282(4):H1485-H1494, 2002. 

Brown, R.C. and T.P. Davis.  Calcium modulation of adherens and tight junction function: a potential mechanism for blood-brain barrier disruption after stroke.  Stroke 33(6):1706-1711, 2002.

Hau, V., J. Huber, R. Egleton and T.P. Davis.  The effect of guanidino modification and proline substitution on the in vitro stability and BBB permeability of endomorphin II.  J. Pharm. Sci. 91(10):2140-2149. 2002.

Huber, J.D., V.S. Hau, C.R. Campos, R.D. Egleton and T.P. Davis.  Blood-brain barrier tight junctions are altered during a 72-h exposure to lambda-carrageenan-induced inflammatory pain.  American J. Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 283(4):H1531-H1537, 2002.

Hawkins, B.T., R.C. Brown and T.P. Davis.  Smoking and ischemic stroke: A role for nicotine?  Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 23(2):78-82, 2002.

Witt, K.A. and T.P. Davis. Pluronic P85 block copolymer enhances opioid peptide analgesia.  J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 303(2):760-767, 2002.

Huber, J., V.S. Hau, K.S. Mark, R.C. Brown, C.R. Campos and T.P. Davis. Viability of  microvascular endothelial cells to direct exposure of formalin, lambda-carrageenan and complete Freund’s adjuvant.  European J. Pharmacology 450(3):297-304, 2002.

Huber, J.D., R.D. Egleton and T.P. Davis.  Conjugation of low molecular weight polyethylene glycol to biphalin enhances antinociceptive profile.  J. Pharm. Sci. 92:1377-1385, 2003.

Egleton, R.D., C.R. Campos, J.D. Huber, R.C. Brown and T.P. Davis.  Differential effects of diabetes on rat choroid plexus ion transporter expression.  Diabetes 52:1496-1501, 2003.

Ritchie, J.C., T.P. Davis, and C.B. Nemeroff.   Action of three ectopeptidases on corticotropin-releasing factor: Metabolism and functional aspects. Neuropsychopharmacology 28(1):22-33, 2003.

Witt, K.A., K.S. Mark, S. Hom and T.P. Davis.  Effect of Hypoxia/Reoxygenation on rat blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junctional protein expression.  American J. Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 285(6):H2820-2831, 2003.

Brown, R.C., K.S. Mark, R.D. Egleton, J.D. Huber, A.R. Burroughs and T.P. Davis.  Protection against hypoxia-induced increase in blood-brain barrier permeability: Role of Tight Junction Proteins and NF kappa B. Journal of Cell Science 116(4):693-700, 2003.

Wolka, A., J.D. Huber and T.P. Davis.  Pain and the Blood Brain Barrier: obstacles to drug delivery.  Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 55(8):987-1006, 2003.

Brown, R.C., R.D. Egleton and T.P. Davis.  Mannitol opening of the blood brain barrier: regional variation of sucrose, 86-Rb, or albumin. Brain Research 1014(1-2):221-227, 2004.

Mark, K.S., A. Burroughs and T.P. Davis.  Nitric oxide mediates hypoxia-induced changes in paracellular permeability of cerebral microvasculature.  American J. Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 286(1):H174-180, 2004.

Brown, R.C., K.S. Mark and T.P. Davis.  Protection against hypoxia-induced blood brain barrier disruption: Changes in intracellular calcium. American Journal of Physiology- Cell Physiology 286(5):C1045-1052, 2004.

Hawkins, B.T., T.J. Abbruscato, R.D. Egleton, R.C. Brown, J.D. Huber, C.R. Campos, and T.P. Davis.  Nicotine increases in vivo blood-brain barrier permeability and alters cerebral microvascular tight junction protein distribution.  Brain Research 1027(1-2):48-58, 2004.

Landen, J.W., V. Hau, M. Wang, T.P. Davis, B. Celiax, B.H. Wainer, E.G. Glass, H.C. Joshi and D.R. Archer. Noscapine crosses the blood-brain barrier and inhibits glioblastoma growth. Clinical Cancer Research 10(15):5187-5201, 2004.

Hau, V.S., J.D. Huber, C.R. Campos, R.T. Davis and T.P. Davis. Effect of lambda carrageenan induced inflammatory pain on brain uptake of codeine and antinociception. Brain Research 1018(2):257-264, 2004.

Doolittle,N., L.E. Abrey, W. Bleyer, S.Brem, T.P. Davis, P. Dore-Duffy, L. Drewes, W. Hall, J. Hoffman, A. Korfel, R. Martuza, L. Muldoon, D. Peereboom, D. Peterson, S. Rabkin, Q. Smith, G. Stevens and E. A. Neuwelt. New Frontiers in Translational Research in Neuro-Oncology and the Blood-Brain Barrier: Report of the Tenth Annual Blood- Brain Barrier Disruption Consortium Meeting. Clinical Cancer Research 11:421-428, 2005.

Witt, K.A., K.S. Mark, J.D. Huber and T.P. Davis. Hypoxia Inducible Factor and Nuclear Factor Kappa-B Activation in Blood Brain Barrier Endothelium under Hypoxic/Reoxygenation Stress. J. Neurochemistry 92(1):203-214, 2005.

Brown, R.C. and T.P. Davis. Hypoxia/Aglycemia alters expression of occludin and actin in brain endothelial cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 327(4):1114-1123, 2005.

Egleton, R.D. and T.P. Davis. Development of Neuropeptide Drugs that Cross the Blood- Brain Barrier. NeuroRx.   Jan; 2(1), 44-53. 2005.

Brooks, T.A., B.T. Hawkins, J.D. Huber, R.D. Egleton and T.P. Davis. Chronic inflammatory pain leads to increased blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junction protein alterations. American J. Physiology (Heart and Circulatory) 289(2):H738-H743. 2005.

Hawkins, B.T., R.D. Egleton and T.P. Davis. Modulation of cerebral microvascular permeability by endothelial nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. American J. Physiology (Heart and Circulatory) 289(1): H212-H219. 2005.

Hawkins, B. T. and T.P. Davis. The blood-brain barrier/neurovascular unit in health and disease. Pharmacological Reviews 57(2):173-185, 2005.

Fleegal, M.A., S. Hom, L.K. Borg and T.P. Davis. Hypoxia and post-hypoxic reoxygenation modulate PKC activity and protein expression in endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier. American J. Physiology (Heart and Circulatory) 289(5):H2012-2019.2005.

Seelbach, M.J., J.D. Huber, T. Brooks, R.D. Egleton, K.A. Witt and T.P. Davis. Effect of lambda carrageenan-induced inflammatory pain on brain uptake of morphine and the potential role of P-glycoprotein. J. Neurochemistry . 102,5.1677-1690. 2007.

Witt, K.A., K.S. Mark , K. Sandoval and T.P. Davis. Reoxygenation stress on Blood Brain Barrier Paracellular Permeability and Edema in the Rat. Microvascular Research 75(1):91-96. 2008.

Hom, S., M.A. Fleegal, R.D. Egleton, C.R. Campos, B. Hawkins  and T.P. Davis. Comparative changes is the blood brain barrier and cerebral infarction of SHR and WKY rats. American Journal of Physiology (Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology) 292 (5).1881-1892. 2007.

Huber, J.D., C.R. Campos, K.S. Mark and T.P. Davis. Alterations in blood-brain barrier ICAM-1 expression and microglial activation following lambda carrageenan induced inflammatory pain. American Journal of Physiology (Heart and Circulatory) 290(2):H732-740. 2006.

Witt, K.A. and T.P. Davis. CNS Drug Delivery: Opioid Peptides and the Blood Brain Barrier. The AAPS Journal 7 (4) 9. 2006.

Brooks, T.A.,  C.R. Campos, R.D. Egleton, M. Seelbach, N. Nametz and T.P. Davis. Biphasic cytoarchitecture and functional changes in the BBB induced by chronic inflammatory pain. Brain Research 1120(1).172-182. 2006.

McCaffrey, G., W. Staatz, R. Egleton, M. Seelbach, C. Campos and T.P. Davis. Tight Junctions contain Oligomeric protein assembly critical for maintaining blood brain barrier integrity in vivo J. Neurochemistry 103:2540-2555. 2007.

Campos, C.R., S. Ocheltree, S. Hom,  R.D. Egleton and T.P. Davis. Nociceptive inhibition prevents inflammatory pain induced changes in the blood brain barrier. Brain Research  1221: 6-13.  2008.

Neuwelt, E., N. Joan Abbott, L.Abrey, W. A. Banks, B. Blakley, T.P. Davis, B. Engelhardt, P. Grammas, M. Nedergard, J. Nutt, W. Pardridge, G. Rosenberg, Q. Smith and L. Drewes. Strategies to advance translational research into brain barriers.  Lancet Neurology 7(1): 84-96, 2008.

Brooks, T.A., N. Nametz, R. Charles and T.P. Davis. Diclofenac attenuates the regional effect of   lambda carrageenan on BBB function and cytoarchitecture. J.Pharmacol Exp.Ther. 325(2): 665-673. 2008.

Willis, C.L., T. A. Brooks and T.P. Davis. Chronic inflammatory pain and the neurovascular unit: a central role for maintaining BBB integrity? Current Pharmaceutical Design 14(16): 1625-1643, 2008

McCaffrey, G.W., M.J. Seelbach, W.D. Staatz, N Nametz, C. Quigley, C.R. Campos, T.A. Brooks and T.P. Davis.   Occludin oligomeric assembly at tight junctions of the blood-brain barrier is disrupted by peripheral inflammatory hyperalgesia. J. Neurochemistry.  106(6):2395-2409. 2008.

McCaffrey, G.W., C Willis, W. Staatz, N. Nametz, C. Quigley, S. Hom, J. Lochhead and T.P. Davis. Occludin oligomeric assemblies at tight junctions of the blood brain barrier dynamically respond to hypoxia and reoxygenation stress. J. Neurochemistry 110,1:58-71.2009.

Wang, Y., M. Thiyagarajan, N. Chow, I. Singh, H. Guo, T.P. Davis and B. Zlokovic. Differential Neuroprotection and Risk for Bleeding from Activated Protein C with varying degree of Anticoagulant Activity. Stroke 40, 5. 1864-1869. 2009.

Ronaldson, P.T., K.M. DeMarco, L. Sanchez-Covarubias, C.M. Solinsky and T.P. Davis.   Transforming growth factor Beta signaling alters permeability and tight junction protein expression at the blood brain barrier during inflammatory pain. J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 29,6. 1084-1098.2009.

Willis, C.L., D. S. Meske, and T.P. Davis. Protein kinase C activation modulates reversible increase in cortical blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junction protein expression during hypoxia and post-hypoxic reoxygenation .  J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 30,11. 1847-1859.2010.

Lochhead, J. J., G. McCaffrey, C. E. Quigley, J. Finch, K. DeMarco and T.P. Davis. Oxidative stress increases blood-brain barrier permeability and induces alterations in occludin during hypoxia-reoxygenation. J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 30,9.1625-1636. 2010.

Ronaldson, P.T., J. D. Finch, K.M. DeMarco, C.M. Solinsky, C. E. Quigley and T.P. Davis. Inflammatory Pain signals an increase in functional expression of organic anion transporting polypeptide 1a4 at the blood brain barrier. J. Pharmacology Experimental Therapeutics.  336,3. 827-839.2011.

Lochhead, J.J., G. McCaffrey, C. Quigley, J. Finch, K. DeMarco, T.P. Davis and P. T. Ronaldson. Tempol modulates changes in xenobiotic permeability and occludin oligomeric assemblies at the blood brain barrier during inflammatory pain.  Amer. J. of Physiology: Heart and Circ Physiology.  302, 3 :H582-H593. 2011.

Ronaldson, P.T. and T.P. Davis. Targeting Blood Brain Barrier Changes during Inflammatory Pain: An Opportunity for Optimizing CNS Drug Delivery.  Therapeutic Delivery. 2, 8 :1015-1041. 2011.

Mc Caffrey, G., Staatz, W., Ronaldson, P.T., Finch, J.D., DeMarco, K.M., Laracuente, M., and T.P. Davis. P-glycoprotein trafficking at the blood brain barrier altered by peripheral inflammatory hyperalgesia. J. Neurochemistry. 122,5. 962-975. 2012.

Williams, P.D., Zlokovic, B.V., Griffin, J.H., Pryor, K.E., and T. P. Davis. Preclinical safety and pharmacokinetic profile of 3K3A-APC, a novel, modified Activated Protein C for Ischemic Stroke. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 18, 27. 4215-4222. 2012.

Ronaldson, P.T. and T. P. Davis. Blood –Brain Barrier Integrity and Glial Support: Mechanisms that can be targeted for novel therapeutic approaches in stroke. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 18 , 25. 3624-3644. 2012.

Wang, Y., Z. Zhang, N. Chow, T.P. Davis, J.H. Griffin, M. Chopp, and B.V. Zlokovic. An activated protein C analog with reduced anticoagulant activity enhances tPA treatment for ischemic stroke in rodents. Stroke. 43: 2444-2449. 2012.

Mc Caffrey, G., and T.P. Davis.  Physiology and pathophysiology of the blood brain barrier : p-glycoprotein and occludin trafficking as therapeutic targets to optimize CNS drug delivery. Journal of Investigative Medicine. 60:8. 1131-1140. 2012.

Ronaldson, P.T. and T.P. Davis. Targeted drug delivery to treat pain and cerebral hypoxia. Pharmacological Reviews. 65,1. 291-314. 2013.

Slosky, L.M., B.J. Thompson, L. Sanchez-Covarubias, Y. Zheng, M. Laracuente, T. W. Vanderah,  P.T. Ronaldson and T. P. Davis. Acetaminophen modulates P- glycoprotein functional expression  at the blood-brain barrier by a constitutive androstane receptor–dependent mechanism. Molecular Pharmacology.  84,5. 774-786. 2013.

Guo, H., R.D. Bell, S. Wang, A. Sagare, N. Chow, T.P. Davis, J.H. Griffin, S.A. Goldman and B.V. Zlokovic. An activated protein C analog stimulates neuronal production by human neuronal progenitor cells via PAR1-PAR3-S1P-Akt pathway. J. Neuroscience. 33,14. 6181-6190. 2013.

Mosnier, L.O., J.A. Fernandez, T.P. Davis, B.V. Zlokovic and J.H. Griffin. Influence of the 3K3A-activated protein C variant on the plasma clot lysis activity of tPA and of tPA on the variant’s anticoagulant activity. J Thrombosis Haemostasis. 11,11.2059-2062.2013.

Ronaldson, P.T., and T.P. Davis. Gabapentin and diclofenac reduce opioid consumption in patients undergoing tonsillectomy: A result of altered CNS delivery? Arch Trauma Res. 2, 2. 97-98. 2013.

Lyden, P., H. Levy, S. Weymer, K. Pryor, W. G. Kramer, J. H. Griffin, T. P. Davis and B.V. Zlokovic. Phase 1 Safety, Tolerability and Pharmacokinetics of 3K3A-APC in Healthy Adult volunteers. Current Pharmaceutical Design. 19. 2010-2016. 2013.

Sanchez-Covarrubias, L., L.M. Slosky, P.T. Ronaldson, and T.P. Davis. P-glycoprotein modulates morphine uptake into the CNS: a role for the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac.  PLoS One. 10: 9 (2). 2014.

Sanchez-Covarubias, L., T.P. Davis and P.T. Ronaldson. Drug transporters at CNS Barrier Sites:  Obstacle or Opportunity for drug delivery? Current Pharmaceutical Design. 20,10.1422-1449. 2014.

Davis, T.P., L. Sanchez-Covarubias and M.E. Tome. P-glycoprotein trafficking as a therapeutic target to optimize CNS drug delivery. Adv. Pharmacol. 71: 25-44. 2014.

Tome, M.E., C.P. Schaefer, J.M. Herndon, L. Jacobs, Yifeng Zhang, F.O. Matty and T.P. Davis.  Identification of P-glycoprotein co-fractionating proteins and specific binding partners in rat brain microvessels. J. Neurochemistry 134, 200-210. 2015.

Ronaldson, P. T. and T. P. Davis. Targeting Transporters: Promoting Blood-Brain Barrier Repair in Response to Oxidative Stress Injury. Brain Research. 1623, 39-52. 2015.

Davis, T.P., T.J. Abbruscato and R.D. Egleton. Peptides at the Blood Brain Barrier: Knowing me knowing you. Peptides. 72, 50-56. 2015.

Tome, M.E., J.M. Herndon, C.P. Schaefer, L. Jacobs, Yifeng Zhang, C.K. Jarvis, and T.P. Davis. P-glycoprotein traffics from the nucleus to the plasma membrane in rat brain endothelium during inflammatory pain.  J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. Nov 36,11.1913-1928. 2016. Cover.

Bosetti, F., Z.S. Galis, M.S. Bynoe, M. Charette, J.I. Koenig, G.A. Lutty, C. Maric-Bilkan, T. Stevens, E. Tolunay, W. Koroshetz , on behalf of the “Small Blood Vessels:Big Health Problems” Workshop Participants including T.P. Davis. “Small Blood Vessels; Big Health Problems?”: Scientific Recommendations of the National Institutes of Health Workshop. J. Amer Heart Assoc. November 4, 2016. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.116.004389

Sandweiss, A. J., K.E. Cottier, D.P. Skinner, G. Dussor, T.P. Davis, T. Vanderah and T.M. Largent-Milnes. 17-Beta-estradiol induces spreading depression and pain behavior in alert female rats. Oncotarget  8. 114109–114122. 2017.

Lochhead, J.J., P. T. Ronaldson and T.P. Davis. Hypoxic stress and inflammatory pain disrupt blood brain barrier tight junctions: implications for drug delivery to the central nervous system (CNS).  AAPS Journal 19.4. 910-920. 2017.

Abdullahi, W., H. Brzica, K. Ibbotson, T. P. Davis, and P.T. Ronaldson. Transforming Growth Factor Beta Signaling via the Activin Receptor-Like Kinase-1 Receptor Increases Expression of Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1a4 at the Blood-Brain Barrier. J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 37.7. 2340-2345. 2017.

Abdullahi, W., T.P. Davis, and P.T. Ronaldson. Functional Expression of P-glycoprotein and Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptides at the Blood-Brain Barrier:  Understanding Transport Mechanisms for Improved CNS Drug Delivery? AAPS Journal 19.4. 931-939. 2017.

Schaefer, C. P., M.E. Tome and T.P. Davis. The opioid epidemic: A central role for the Blood Brain Barrier in opioid analgesia and abuse. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS. 14,1. 32-42. 2017..

Schaefer, C. P. L.M. Jacobs, N. Arkwright, C. K. Jarvis, T.M. Largent–Milnes,, K.C. Hunn,  M.E. Tome and T.P. Davis. Chronic morphine exposure potentiates p-glycoprotein trafficking from nuclear reservoirs in cortical brain microvessels . PLoS ONE. 13 (2). e0192340. 2018.

Tome, M.E., C.K. Jarvis , C.P. Schaefer, L.M. Jacobs, J.M. Herndon, K.C. Hunn, N.. B. Arkwright, K.L. Kellohen, P.C. Mierau, and T.P. Davis. Acute pain alters P-glycoprotein-containing protein complexes in rat cerebral complexes: Implications for P-glycoprotein trafficking. J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 38 (12) . 2209-2222. 2018.

Cottier, K., E. Galoway, J. Kim, M. E. Tome, T. P. Davis, T. Vanderah and T. Largent-Milnes. Loss of Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity in a KCl induced model of Episodic Headache enhances CNS drug delivery. eNEuro NWR-0116-18.  2018.

Yang, J., B. G. Reilly, T.P. Davis and P.T. Ronaldson. Modulation of CNS transport of opioids by  altered ATP-binding cassette transporter activity and expression at the Blood - Brain Barrier. Pharmaceutics . 10 (4) E192. 2018.

Lyden, P., Pryor, K.E., Coffey, C.S., Cudkowicz, M., Levy, H., Conwit, R., Yankey, J., Magee, K., Haacke, E.M., Fawaz, M., T.P. Davis, Toga, A.W., Griffin, J.H., and  Zlokovic , B.V. Randomized, controlled, dose escalation trial of a protease-activated receptor -1 agonist in acute ischemic stroke: Final Results of the RHAPSODY trial. A multi-center, Phase 2 study using a continual reassessment method to determine the safety and tolerability of 3K3A-APC, a Recombinant Variant of Human Activated Protein C, in combination with tissue plasminogen activator, mechanical thrombectomy or both in moderate to severe acute ischemic stroke.  Annals of Neurology 85: 125 - 136. 2019.

Lochhead, J.J., K. Kellohen, P.T. Ronaldson and T.P. Davis. Distribution of insulin in trigeminal nerve and brain after intranasal administration. Scientific Reports. Feb 22. 9,1. 2621. 2019. 

Sweeney,  M. , A. Montagne, A. Sagare, D.Nation, L.Schneider, H Chui, M G. Harrington, J Pa, M Law, D J.J. Wang, R E. Jacobs, F N. Doubal, Joel Ramirez, S E. Black, M Nedergaard, H. Benveniste, M. Dichgans, C. Iadecola, S. Love, H. Markus, R. A. Salman, S. M. Allan, T. Quinn, R. Kalaria, D.  Werring, R.  Carare, R. Touyz, Steve C. Williams, M. A. Moskowitz, Z. S. Katusic, S. E. Lutz, O.Lazarov, R. D. Minshall, J. Rehman, T. P. Davis, C. Wellington, H.González, C. Yuan, S. Lockhart, T. M. Hughes, C.L.H. Chen, P Sachdev, J.T. O'Brien, I. Skoog, L.Pantoni, D. R. Gustafson, G.Jan Biessels, A. Wallin, E. E. Smith, V. Mok, A. Wong, P. Passmore, F. Barkof, M. Muller, M.B. Breteler, G. C. Román, E. Hamel, S. Seshadri, R. F. Gottesman, M. A. van Buchem, Z.Arvanitakis, J. A. Schneider, L. Drewes, V.Hachinski, C. E. Finch, A. W. Toga, J. M. Wardlaw, B. V. Zlokovic. Vascular Dysfunction -The disregarded partner of Alzheimers Disease.  Alzheimers and Dementia. 15,1, 158-167. 2019.

  Lochhead, J.J. and T. P. Davis. Perivascular and perineural pathways involved in brain delivery and distribution of drugs after intranasal administration. Pharmaceutics 11, 11. 598. 2019.

     Liktor-Busa, E.  K. T. Blawn, K. L. Kellohen, B. M. Wiese, V.  Verkhovsky, J.  Wahl, A. Vivek, T. P. Davis, T. W. Vanderah and T.  M. Largent-Milnes. Functional NHE1 expression is critical to blood brain barrier integrity and sumatriptan blood to brain uptake.  PLoS ONE . DOI:10.1101/2019.12.20.884247. 2019.

Williams E.I. , R.D. Batterton, T.P. Davis and P.T. Ronaldson. Transporter-mediated delivery of small molecule drugs to the brain: A critical mechanism that can advance therapeutic development for ischemic stroke. Pharmaceutics. 12,2.154-172. 2020.  

 Mukherjee, P., P.D. Lyden, J.A. Fernandez, T.P. Davis, K. Pryor, B. V. Zlokovic and J.H. Griffin. 3K3A – activated protein C variant does not interfere with the plasma clot lysis activity of tenecteplace. Stroke. 51: 2236 – 2239. 2020.

Lochhead, J. J., J. Yang, P.T. Ronaldson, and T.P. Davis. Structure, Function and Regulation of the Blood Brain Barrier Tight Junction in CNS Disorders. Frontiers in Physiology. 6,11: 914. 2020. 

 Ronaldson, P.T., and T.P. Davis. Regulation of Blood - Brain Barrier Integrity by Microglia in Health and Disease : A Therapeutic Opportunity. J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism . doi.10.1177/0271678. September 14, 2020.

Lyden, P.D., K.E. Pryer, J.L. Minigh, B.V. Zlokovic, T.P. Davis, J.H. Griffin and H. Levy. Stroke Treatment with PAR1 Agents that Minimize Recanalization Related Hemorrhage. Frontiers in Neurology. (In Press).  2021.

  Ronaldson P.T., H. Brzica , W. Abdullahi , B.G. Reilly and T.P. Davis. Transport properties of statins by OATP1A2 and regulation by transforming growth factor Beta (TGF-Beta) signaling in human endothelial cells. J. Pharm. Exp. Therapeutics 376,2.148-160. 2021.       

Lochhead, J.J.,  and T.P. Davis. High resolution fluorescence imaging of cells comprising the neurovascular unit.  Scientific Reports . (Submitted, 2022.)

  Williams EI, Lochhead JJ, Abdullahi W, T.P. Davis , Ronaldson PT.. Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide (Oatp)-Mediated Transport at the Blood-Brain Barrier is required for Atorvastatin-Induced Neuroprotection in Ischemic Stroke.  Stroke (Submitted, 2021.)

 Serna, S. H. Brzica ,  R.D. Betterton,  J. Yang ,  B.G. Reilly ,  D. Becktel ,  J.J. Lochhead ,  T.P. Davis and P.T. Ronaldson . Sex Differences in Multidrug Resistance Protein 4 Expression and Activity at the Blood-Brain Barrier: Relevance to Ischemic Stroke Treatment. J Cerebral Blood Flow Metabolism (Submitted, 2021). 

 Abdullahi W, J.J. Lochhead ,  A. Sami , H. Brzica ,  T.P. Davis and P.T. Ronaldson.  TGF-beta/ALK1 Signaling Modulates HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitor Disposition in the Brain by an Oatp-Dependent Transport Mechanism.  Drug Metabolism and Disposition.  (2021).

 Lyden, P.D., K.E. Pryer, J.L. Minigh, T.P. Davis, J.H. Griffin and B. V. Zlokovic. Stroke Treatment with PAR-1 Agents to decrease Hemorrhagic Transformation.  Frontiers in Neurology. 12: 593 - 582.  2021. 

Ronaldson P.T., H. Brzica , W. Abdullahi , B.G. Reilly and T.P. Davis. Transport properties of statins by OATP1A2 and regulation by transforming growth factor Beta (TGF-Beta) signaling in human endothelial cells. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 376, 2.148-160. 2021. 

 Niles, K., E. I. Williams, R.D. Betterton, T.P. Davis, and P.T. Ronaldson. Blood-Brain Barrier Transporters : Opportunities for Therapeutic Development in Ischemic Stroke. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22, 2021.

Betterton, R.D., S. Serna,   J. Yang ,  B.G. Reilly ,  D. Becktel ,  J.J. Lochhead ,  T.P. Davis and P.T. Ronaldson . Sex Differences in Multidrug Resistance Protein 4 Expression and Activity at the Blood-Brain Barrier: Relevance to Treatment of Ischemic Stroke . J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism (In Press, December, 2021). 

Williams E. I. , Lochhead J. J. , Abdullahi W, T.P. Davis , Ronaldson PT. Acute neuroprotective effects of atorvastatin in ischemic stroke requires Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide (Oatp)-Mediated Transport at the Blood-Brain Barrier .  Stroke (In Press. 2022)       

 Yang, J., R.D. Betterton, E. I. Williams, T.P. Davis, J. J. Lochhead and P.T. Ronaldson. High Dose Acetaminophen Alters the Integrity of the Blood-Brain Barrier through disruption of Claudin-5.  Pharmaceutics (In Press. 2022).     

 Lochhead, J.J., and T.P. Davis. High resolution fluorescence imaging of cells comprising the neurovascular unit. Cells (In Press.2022.)

Betterton, R.D., W. Abdullah, E.I. Williams, H. Brzica, J. Stanton, T.P. Davis and P. T. Ronaldson.Involvement of endogenous blood – brain transporters in the regional disposition of 3-hydroxy-3-mrthylyglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors in the brain. Drug Metabolism andDisposition. (In Press, 2022).        

Stanton, J.A., B. Betterton, E.I. Williams, E.S. Reddell, T.P. Davis, and P.T. Ronaldson. Memantine requires transcellular transport mediated by Organic Cation Transporters at the Blood Brain Barrier to exert Neuroprotective effects in Ischemic Stroke. Experimental Neurology (In Press, 2022).

 Betterton, R.D., T.P. Davis, and P.T. Ronaldson. Endoglin is required for regulation of Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide 1a4 (OATP1a4) by transforming growth factor – Beta signaling. J . Pharm Sci.(2022)

 Williams, E.I., R.D. Betterton, K.L. Niles, T.P. Davis. P.T. Ronaldson. In Situ Brain Perfusion for the Study of Blood Brain Barrier Transporters in Stroke. Methods in Molecular Biology (In Press.2022).

  Ronaldson, P.T. and T.P. Davis. Blood-Brain Barrier and the Neurovascular Unit. Pharmaceutics  ( In Press. 2022) cvtpd2025jpeg.jpg